Our society celebrates youth. Youth equates beauty, creativity, energy, fun and delicious cool. Even in the media, lists such as Forbes‘ and TIME‘s 30 Under 30 elevate those who succeeds when they are very young.

Women obsess over looking younger, whereas men obsess over feeling younger (image credit: Beautifulforever Aesthetic Laser Center)
In an article titled “Women would rather hear they look young than slim” (DailyMail), the following list was posted:
- Two thirds of women use anti-aging products
- One fifth worry about their age every day
- 41% wish they look younger
- 39.5 years old is when women are most worried about how old they look
Interestingly, while women obsess over their appearance (as evidenced by anti-aging specialist Uzzi Reiss’ book title, Natural Hormone Balance for Women: Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exuberance), men strive to feel younger.
An article published by The Wall Street Journal reports that more than 2.3 million American men using testosterone gels, patches, pellets and injections in 2013. The use of testosterone products to treat hormonal deficiencies may contribute to cardiovascular risks such as heart attacks and blood clots.
In the article, Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic commented:
Men all want to feel younger and more virile, and they somehow have come to believe that low-T medication is the fountain of youth. But we don’t know whether it’s safe.
Perhaps there is much to be reckoned with aging gracefully. For one, you will save yourself $300-plus a month for botox or testosterone treatment.
As British poet and playwright Robert Browning wrote, “Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.”